Omega Car and Truck Accessories


Auto Services

About Us

Omega Car & Truck Accessories is here to help you upgrade your ride. With a large selection of top-notch accessories and professional installation, we can help you improve your car's looks and equip your truck with the tools you need for the job. We offer a price-match guarantee, so you can rest assure knowing you're getting the best deal.


Omerga Car and Truck Accessories Store Manager
Category: Automotive/Mechanics
We are looking for a Retail Store Manager to provide excellent customer service and manage our business. Candidates with strong communication skills who can make customers feel welcome in our store will stand out. You will help identify client needs, present and answer questions about our products and services and recommend solutions. A positive attitude and a desire to promptly resolve potential more
Contact: Brian
Phone:(479) 629-4629

Rep/Contact Info

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Brian Kimes
General Manager